Friday, January 21, 2005

Infertile Irony

I recently accepted the role of board president for RESOLVE of Houston and I am loving it.

RESOLVE is a "support group" for families with infertility issues. I've gained much wisdom from being a part of the organization already - and it's been a very short period of time.

Being President is tons of work and takes a lot time that I really don't have, but it's a great resource and it makes me feel really great to be able to help others going through the same infertility woes we're going through. I just love this group because it's less about group hugs and misery and more about pro -activity and solutions.

Last night was our first educational meeting for 2005. The topics were "Affording Fertility" and "The Mind Body Connection". There were speakers for both topics and each brought literature and "swag" related to their specific topic. It was quite informative and really interesting.

My first official meeting as president went off without a hitch... except when my husband called my cell phone in the middle of a deep, visually guided meditation...

"whatda ya gonna do?"

...since that was our only glitch - I was very happy.

As we were packing up for the evening I grabbed a handful of the giveaway pens that one of the speakers brought for our members. Since "marketing and promotions" is my bag, I always check out logo's on tote bags, t-shirts and pens in this case.

My heart sank and then I was overcome with laughter when I saw the logo for a contraceptive drug on the pens we had been using at our INFERTILITY support group!

It's the inappropriate equivalent to passing out combs and brushes at a Rogaine support group.

Something tells me the branding opportunity was lost on our crowd :-)


Blogger Carrie said...

I haven't read this until now...hilarious about the pens! So cool you are pres!

January 30, 2005 at 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.

Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day.

Hope to hear from you soon!

August 8, 2005 at 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you are having a nice day pursepocket. I was surfing the search engines for purse and handbag related websites using the keyword purse and found your awesome page with the title Infertile Irony. I am looking for ideas on how to improve my own site using different keywords and was amazed how easy it was to find your site using the keyword purse. Perhaps we could do a link exchange at some point. Anyway, thanks for your time and I’m glad I found your site.

December 10, 2005 at 2:33 AM  

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