Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hate Nation

I woke up this morning and checked the radio trades like I usually do and I suddenly realized that I need to change my routine.

The first story I see boasts Glenn Beck’s clever stunt inviting listeners to chip in to buy Robert Redford a plane ticket to Dublin after he apparently vowed to move there if Bush was re-elected.

Oh so funny Glenn, you really told him…

I understand all too well that Glenn and his show are about entertainment and shock factor, controlled messages and ratings…..blah, blah, blah….it’s just so sad to me to see my parents concerns and fears about the direction of our country so poignantly illustrated first thing in the morning.

It shakes me to the core that we are becoming a nation of hate and bullies. You would think that in the year 2004 we would be free-er from hate than in the past but that doesn’t seem to be the case does it?

Okay – so Robert Redford doesn’t want to live here if Bush is going to be leader. My Dad says we have become a country in which it is no longer okay to express our feelings and positions on political matters without being charged with sedition and anti-patriotism. When did this happen and how?

In his clever radio stunt, Glenn Beck goes on to sarcastically suggest that Redford doesn’t support our troops because of his position – how ridiculous…I have to confess I have considered moving out of the country because of the results of this election (among other things) and it has nothing to do with our troops.

But I think my biggest issue with the whole thing is the ridiculing, bullying, hate filled method in which Beck, Limbaugh and others convey their positions and messages to those who think differently from them.

What’s that all about?

Psychologists say that all hate is rooted in fear... so what exactly are Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the bullying right-wingers out there afraid of? Exactly what threat do Robert Redford and his little film festival raise to any of us?

Perhaps some answers can be found in this article I ran across when I searched psychologists, fear and hate

Please note: I did not search by political criteria at all and this was the first thing that came up.


Blogger Michael & Tammi said...

a year ago i wouldnt have known who you were talking about, but to show unity with dallas, i've been listening to the "republcan radio" everyday. it's done nothing but make me paranoid.

all the anti-"utopian" rhetoric is a bit much. just because someone believes the opposite of you, that makes them a utopian? i thought it was called having an opinion...KPRC promotes a sharing of ideals through the medium of radio...they just don't tell you that your ideas are gonna be "wrong" and "unpatriotic"...CRAZY!

it's sad that his listeners would chip in on some bogus "cause" that will never come into fruition, but they won't give a starving person a fucking sandwich, because handouts are for the "utopians".

what a bunch of puppets.


sorry tif, this is bugging me for a while.

November 17, 2004 at 10:32 AM  
Blogger The Adventures of Jump Ahead Jane & Captain Surly said...

no need to apologise I totally agree with everything you said and it's bugged me for a long time too!!!! :-)

November 17, 2004 at 12:36 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

"Hey, whaaaa happened???" to your colored dots blog?

November 18, 2004 at 9:33 AM  

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