Thursday, October 28, 2004


At the risk of sounding whiny....I'm really sick of not being able to have kids!!!

I just got a call from yet another friend that's pregnant!!

I swear everyone I know is having a baby but me....It sucks!

It's an odd set of emotions...happy for your friends who have or are expecting children, but sad for yourself at the same time.

Add to that the knowledge that your friends feel bad sharing their great news, because they know you're having such trouble. It just introduces a whole new level of suckage to the situation.

Today for "fun"

J. and I counted all of the babies born or expected by friends and family since we started trying...


TWENTY ONE babies either here or on the way.

All I need is ONE...

It's not fair. I love all of my parent and expectant parent friends, but it's hard to not feel a tinge of envy or jealousy or whatever it is when I get calls about "little Billy sleeping through the night" or "we have good news"...

It's not their fault, it's no-one's FAULT and I feel really badly for feeling this way...I really try my best to be a bigger person than this but sometimes I just get pissed that I can't share good baby news of my own...

I'm glad I have so many friends that have kids..the next best thing to having my own is being able to share in the lives of friends and their families, I just needed to if your my one friend that actually reads this blog, please don't choose not to share.



Blogger Dallas said...

I would be concerned if you didn't feel any jealousy or anger.

If it's any comfort, Carrie and I ache with you.

October 29, 2004 at 6:33 AM  
Blogger The Adventures of Jump Ahead Jane & Captain Surly said...

I know you guys are the best :-)

October 29, 2004 at 6:39 AM  

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